• An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow

handheld laboratory mixersileks lab mixer

Powerful handheld laboratory mixer LabMix Mini 201 is designed for mixing and homogenizing of different samples in standard laboratory tubes.

The mixer creates strong turbulent flows in liquids utilising special rod-shaped probes. The flows provide soft and efficient mixing of the tube contents. 

The mixer can be used to make DNA/RNA/proteins isolation procedures faster and easier, to help with sample homogenization and lysis and many other typical laboratory routines. 


Application field of the mixer includes mixing, resuspending and homogenizing of different samples. 


When mixing rods are dispensed to each tube, the mixer just has to be put near the tube (a), so that its adaptor catches the rod's end (b). When rod fits into the adaptor, mixing can be started (c). The centrifugal force holds the rod in the adaptor and transmits the torque to it. When the mixing is finished and the adaptor stops rotating, the mixer can be moved away from the tube. The rod is no more held by the centrifugal force and falls off the adaptor (d). After it the user can proceed to the next tube. The whole cycle taken no more than 5 seconds, making is possible to process more than 10 samples per minute.

The mixer is especially efficient when working with magnetic particles. Using this device allows to avoid completely such labour-intensive procedure as pipetting. Providing high quality sample mixing, LabMix Mini 201 allows to achieve as thorough mixing as it is with manual pipetting. It also increases results reproducibility. In combination with efficient magnetic rack and high-quality magnetic particles LabMix Mini provides high productivity of nucleic acids and proteins isolation. 


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