• An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow

western blot

  • AdvanBlock™-Chemi blocking solution

  • Advansta Product catalog


  • Advansta WesternBright

    Adva Logo








    Advansta provides products for every step of protein analysis by Western blotting, from electrophoresis to immunodetection.  

    WesternBright ECL

    The best choice for routine, film-imaged Western blots


    WesternBright ECL is more sensitive than other chemiluminescent substrates, so you can conduct shorter exposures, load less sample, or use up to ten-times less antibody.  Save time and money with WesternBright ECL. 

    • Stronger signal than Amersham™ ECL or Pierce™ ECL
    • Detect low pg protein amounts
    • Use up to ten-times less antibody

    "... I again later today tried the Quantum solution and it gave about 2 times better results than the one from xxxxx !"

    " ..we have now tested the new Advansta substrates extensively and my colleagues are also quite impressed and satisfied! "


    wb quantum logo






    Quantitative chemiluminescent Western blotting

    WesternBright Quantum is formulated to take full advantage of the linear dynamic range of CCD imagers. It provides high sensitivity to detect low abundance proteins, and does not exhibit substrate depletion with high abundance proteins, so has a larger linear dynamic range than other commercially available substrates. A signal linear with respect to protein concentration over 3 orders of magnitude provides the ability to accurately quantify and compare protein amounts in your samples.


    • Sensitive – detect attomoles of protein per band.
    • Quantitative – linear range of signal with respect to protein amount exceeds 3 orders of magnitude
    • Low background – for high signal to noise
    • Long lasting signal – image blots hours after substrate incubation
    • Versatile – Optimized for CCD imaging, and compatible with film detection. In addition, chemifluorescent emissions can be detected with fluorescence imaging systems







     wb sirius

    See bands you couldn't detect before

     higest sensi

    WesternBright Sirius is the most sensitive HRP substrate available from Advansta for chemiluminescent Western blotting. With attomolar sensitivity and a long-lasting signal, WesternBright Sirius allows you to detect bands not visualized with other substrates.

    High signal-to-noise and a large dynamic range make it ideal for quantifying low-intensity bands. And, chemifluorescence emission allows WesternBright Sirius to be imaged by fluorescence imagers in addition to traditional CCD imagers and film.













  • Are you searching for a replacement of post-stains ?


    ..well you should...!

     The powerful T-Rex protein label combines excellent performance and photostability over a wide pH-range of 2-11.

    It is therefore ideally suited for high performance visualization of protein samples separated in 2D gels. In contrast to green fluorescence protein stains or labels the red fluorescence of T-Rex causes almost no background.

    Therefore the signal-to-noise ration of T-Rex is much better compared to most other fluorescence products on the market. 


    T-Rex labeled proteins do not interfere with antibody recognition and mass spectrometry !


  • Beo Dry blotter

    Sometimes it may not be the speed that matters but the result...

    The Beo Dry Blotter transfers protein simply based on capillary action with phenomenal results in terms of transfer quality and efficiency. The blotting does neither requires power nor additional buffer. And you can process up 18 blots derived from mini gels or 3 blots from large gels (e.g.Velum™1D, IEF or 2D gels) at the same time.

    BEO  blotter

     Key features

    • Easy to use
    • High quality of protein transfer
    • No additonal buffers, requires no power
    • Takes up to 18 blots from mini gels or 3 large blots from 2D gels




    pdfBeo Dry Blotter product guide.pdf 

  • Blocking solution & antibody-antigen signal enhancer


    electroforesis article

  • Blot Development Folders

    Adva Logo




    Transparent plastic supports for blot handling and imaging

    Transparent plastic supports for blot handling and imaging

    Advansta's Blot Development Folders are transparent plastic folders that hold your blot while it is exposed to film or a CCD camera.

  • BlotCycler



  • ChemiPen

    Transform your protein standard into a chemiluminescent marker !

    WesternBright ChemiPen









    Write or draw on your transfer membranes with the WesternBright ChemiPen.
    With the proprietary "ink" you can make pre-stained protein standards chemiluminescent, annotate your blot with a date or blot number, or check the quality of your HRP substrates.

  • FLASHBlot Transfer Buffer,

     Enhanced protein transfer for improved sensitivity

      FLASHBlot Transfer Buffer

    Advansta's new FLASHBlot Transfer Buffer allows scientists to achieve increased sensitivity in their Western blots. The buffer provides increased transfer efficiency of all proteins, including large molecular weight proteins that are notoriously difficult to transfer completely. It also increases protein retention on the membrane, so it's easier to detect low-abundance proteins.

  • Misleading Westerns...

    researchgate misleading W




  • Octoplus QPLEX

    The Octoplus QPLEX sets a novel standard for high power multiplex fluorescence large area imaging as well as sensitive chemiluminescence. It combines the sensitivity of laser-based systems with the rapid image acquisition of CCD cameras. The system introduces the latest improvements in fluorescence excitation and emission detection technologies. 

    octoplus qplex






















     “The combination of the Octoplus QPLEX and the customized fluorescent labeling kits from NH DyeAGNOSTICS saves us much time and effort in the daily routine protein diagnostics.”

    Dr. Jan Bartel, Labor Limbach, Heidelberg


  • One additional step...

  • ORCA Gel Analyzer

    The ORCA Gel Analyzer - for SDS-PAGE, SAR-PAGE and IEF analysis in daily routine

    The ORCA Gel Analyzer provides massive time savings, reproducible results, independency from sample quality (e.g. difference of protein applied to the gel, differences in protein content), digital reporting and independency of the user.

    ORCA Gel Analyzer



     ORCA Gel Electrophoresis

    ORCA Gel Electrophoresis       Beo Dry blotter




  • ORCA Gel Electrophoresis

    The novel ORCA Gel Electrophoresis unit and the corresponding VELUM Precast Gels offer the latest technique in terms of easy handling, resolution and reproducibility for up to 52 protein samples per unit and run.

    Up to 4 ORCA Gel Electrophoresis units can be combined (one on top of the other) and run simultaneously.









    ORCA Gel Electrophoresis routine

    The ORCA routine is designed for daily protein analysis by SDS-PAGE, SAR-PAGE or IEF. Handling of the system including the correct setting of the corresponding VELUM gels or the electrodes does not require further user education.


    ORCA Gel Electrophoresis research

    The ORCA research offers maximum flexibility for research and development. This system allows for both, 1D gel electrophoresis ans 2D gel elctrophoresis (including Refraction-2D and 2D DIGE).


  • Standardized+Quantitative Western blots = SPL

    learn more...


  • WB Accessories